Monday, 19 August 2013

A Vision For Three Kings - policy package


The Roskill Community Voice team is proud to announce our Vision for Three Kings, an integrated policy platform that we present to the community ahead of the local government elections this year.

We believe that it is important that the local community can have confidence that their representatives have comprehensive and well-thought out policies on key local issues, and we hope that this document helps you to understand the approach we will take if elected to the Puketapapa Local Board.

We all know that change is on the horizon for Three Kings. The re-development of Three Kings Quarry is likely to commence within the next 5-10 years, and plans for what the end use will be are already under development. The Unitary Plan may also result in changes to the look and feel of the Three Kings community, with most parts of Auckland being zoned for some degree of intensification.

Change cannot be avoided, but it is our belief that the local community must have a strong voice to ensure that it is our community’s vision that shapes the future of Three Kings.

We have been listening to the community over the past three years and have developed a set of policies that respond to key local concerns.

Our Vision sets out policy in four key areas:

  • A plan to restore Big King, our neglected maunga.

  • Our vision for a quality development on the quarry site, with real public amenity

  • Proposed Unitary Plan provisions and how we ensure quality development

  • Protection and promotion of our local heritage and character

Most importantly, we believe that local community must have a strong voice in charting the future of Three Kings. We will always ensure that the residents and groups of Three Kings are informed and involved in decisions about Three Kings and we are open to good new ideas and perspectives.

We are excited about our Vision for Three Kings and with your support, hope to be able to implement this vision on the new Local Board. Please contact us with any questions or comments.

Restore Big King

We believe that it is time for real leadership in our community to restore our neglected maunga. Big King/Te Tatua-a-Riukiuta is a source of local identity and pride, but it has been treated poorly over many years. With focus, resources, and a partnership approach we believe that Big King can have its mana restored and public amenity improved.

Action we will take:

  • We have led the public process to get public art back on the reservoir after ‘Grumpy Cat’ was removed. In the short-term we will work with the local community to identify the preferred concept, and we will then work with Watercare to get this actioned.

  • Longer-term we believe that the reservoir must be removed from Big King. We acknowledge that this will involve working with Watercare on technical issues and that it will not be resolved quickly. However, it is time to make a start. Removing the reservoir is about respecting the maunga as a place that is important for iwi and community, and not just seeing it as a prop for infrastructure.
  • With co-management of Auckland’s volcanic cones coming soon we believe it important that the Board builds a strong relationship between itself, local community, and the Tamaki Collective, so that a collaborative plan for restoring Big King can be developed.

  • We will support the creation of a Friends of Big King group so that there is a clear channel for the community to be engaged around maunga issues.

  • Within the first year of the new Board, we will establish a dedicated budget line for restoration of Roskill’s two volcanic cones.

  • In the short-term, we will look to fund a range of measures to improve community access and amenity including a renewal of the crumbling path and improvements for dog users.

  • We will establish a programme to better control rats and possums around Big King, including a scheme for neighbouring residents to receive free or low-cost possum traps.

We are running a postcard campaign to show the strength of the community support for restoring Big King and removing the reservoir.   Please contact us to get involved.  We also have signs that you can put on your fence to show your support!

A Quality Quarry Development

The re-development of Three Kings quarry is the major planning issue faced by the Three Kings community over the next decade. It is absolutely critical that there is a strong community voice in this process, and that the development is focussed on people and community. We believe that a high quality and appropriately scaled development, with strong open space connections and linkages to the town centre, could be of real community benefit.

Action we will take:
  • To recognise the importance of quarry development issues for the Three Kings area, we will create a dedicated Board portfolio position for Three Kings development issues.

  • We will work with Auckland Transport to develop an integrated transport interchange at an appropriate location so that public transport becomes easier for locals to use.

  • Take a firm position with the developer (Fletchers) on behalf of the community to support a development that balances private and public space, enhancing community integration.

  • Strong advocacy for the development to assist in the restoration of Big King/Te Tatua-a-Riukiuta, and to better connect Big King with other reserves in the area.

  • We will strongly support completion of the current Precinct planning process and also the development of a community- led ‘precinct layer’ that will have effect in the Unitary Plan. 

We will put forward the following three principles to guide the formation of the ‘precinct layer’ and any subsequent development:

Principle 1.  Community and Iwi Involvement:  The future development of the quarry site is the major public concern of the Three Kings community and is of intense interest across the Puketapapa/Mt Roskill
area. For iwi the site is of immense historical and cultural interest. The site is being privately developed, but given its scale and impact on local people, there must be strong community and iwi involvement in the process. Community and iwi are more than just stakeholders' to be consulted. They are legitimate partners in a major undertaking that we will live with for generations to come. The quarry owner (Fletchers) must enter into a genuine partnership approach to reach the best possible outcomes for the site.

Principle 2.  Public Access and Open Space: Our community has been cut off from good quality access to Te Tatua-a-Riukiuta for too long. Future development of the site must substantially improve public access to and around the maunga, and ensure that important public viewshafts are not compromised. Any plans to create a large residential presence in the quarry area must be balanced against the need for a significant net increase in the amount of quality, well connected public space in the area. This will serve to increase the attractiveness of any residential development, to provide  community amenity, and to meet restoration objectives for the site. The site should not be developed simply to maximise private profit, but also to provide for the public good.

Principle 3.  Quality Development that Builds Community:  The scale of potential development on the quarry site means that it will have a substantial impact on the urban form and nature of community in the broader Three Kings area. It is essential that any residential development be comprehensively planned with the strong involvement of the community. Development must be sympathetic to the local community and environment, provide good transport connections, integrate with a re-vitalised town centre, and be in line with the Auckland Plan vision of creating a truly 'liveable city' - including provision for affordable and social housing. A 'hole in the ground gated community' is not acceptable. This must be a place that is inclusive, attractive, and contributes to overall community cohesion and wellbeing.

The Unitary Plan

We want to see the future development of Three Kings done in a careful and sensitive way.   Gentle intensification as envisaged by the Unitary Plan can be done well, but we must ensure that development is appropriate to local conditions. Local input into the ongoing development of the community is essential.

Action we will take:

  • We will support high quality intensification in appropriate places. The preservation of character and amenity must be prioritised.

  • Advocacy for a reduction in the 8 story maximum height limit proposed for Three Kings Town Centre and the development of a fine grained approach to heights so that we get a local solution that works for this area rather than a cookie-cutter approach imposed from above.
  • We will place major emphasis on the quality of new developments and sympathy with neighbouring properties, including the use of graduated buffer zones so that there are more gentle changes in height, rather than the scenario of a large block next to a small villa.

  • Working to ensure that Three Kings remains a place that people can afford to live in, with access to affordable and social housing. We will work with HNZ to ensure good quality redevelopment of existing public housing stock, preserving or increasing number of properties, and ensuring integration of housing types to avoid ghettoisation.
  • In line with our position over the past term, we will advocate for much stronger notification requirements before significant developments go to consent so that local community can provide meaningful input.

  • Strongly advocate for local flooding issues to be dealt with. Advocacy for improved stormwater infrastructure before there is large-scale development, and better planning rules to prevent inappropriate development.

  • We will argue for strong protection of our local heritage, including support for the pre-1944 demolition controls, and the identification and protection of important heritage sites and character zones.

Protection of Local Heritage and Character

Three Kings was in many ways the birthplace of modern Mt Roskill. We have a rich local history, including significant patterns of Maori and colonial settlement. This heritage gives our community real heart and soul. It must be protected and celebrated. We have led the way in elevating Roskill’s heritage over the past three years and will ensure that it is there for future generations to treasure.

Action we will take:

  • We will continue to push for the sympathetic restoration of the iconic Mt Roskill Municipal Chambers for civic and community use.

  • Continue the development and roll-out of heritage interpretive signs to complement existing signs and the new suffrage memorial (due to open 19 September at the Rose Gardens)

  • The development of 3 Kings Heritage trail taking in key local buildings, features, and sites, so that local heritage can be better understood.

  • Continued strong advocacy for planning rules and zoning that protects key heritage sites and character zones in Three Kings.

We have produced this in booklet format as well - please contact us if you would like a copy.