...The vast Albert-Eden-Roskill ward is facing dissection by two new powerful forces.Click through for the whole article.
They are not political forces, but transport corridors. The Waterview Connection and the proposed Dominion Rd upgrade both cut through the heart of the new ward, and are the biggest talking points heading into next month's election.
With one councillor to 75,000 people in Albert-Eden-Roskill, candidates for the two local boards (Puketapapa, Albert-Eden) say they will have councillor-like status if elected. The competition is stiff, with 42 candidates competing for 16 seats.
...Puketapapa, commonly known as Mt Roskill, is also Labour territory but has traditionally voted for Citizens and Ratepayers on the strength of the Hay family and their conservative Christian vote. The territory is no longer the Bible belt of Auckland, and C&R face a challenge from a new political ticket, Roskill Community Voice, aligned with City Vision.
Roskill Community Voice are challenging Citizens and Ratepayers on two controversial proposals - the removal of the Monte Cecilia School in Hillsborough and the proposed upgrade of Dominion Rd. The $30 million relocation of the Catholic school to create space around the Pah Homestead has been called a "shameful" waste of money by the group.
The council has also proposed to make Dominion Road a T2 highway, which would require the removal of parking spaces on the road. Businesses at the Mt Roskill end say it would ruin their trade.
Roskill Community Voice wanted an end to the "neglect" of Mt Roskill's shopping centre, which is in stark contrast to the Eden Village at the other end of Dominion Rd.
C&R felt the most important issues were giving a voice to the diverse communities in the Puketapapa region, and lifting young people out of unemployment...
Tuesday, 14 September 2010
Herald on Albert-Eden-Roskill ward in 2010 election
Published in the Herald print edition, Tuesday September 14th 2010, including the following: