Tuesday 14 February 2012

Julie's February Board Report

In the interests of transparency and accountability, we've started putting our monthly reports to the Board up on this website. As time allows I'll go back and put the past ones up too. These reports are required for each ordinary business meeting (monthly) and should detail what we've been working on since our last report. If there's anything in a report that you are interested in finding out more about please contact us. We usually speak briefly to our reports at the relevant business meeting. Board members' reports are normally last on the agenda, so often we don't get to them until after 8pm at the earliest.

Portfolio: Community Development

Board workshops, meetings, and briefings
Participated in Board workshops (25th January, part of 8th February)
Board business meetings (Ordinary 26th January)
Attended cluster workshop on RTLP, By-laws and Procurement Policy (1st February)

Portfolio activities for the month – 19th January to 11th February 2012

Portfolio areas:
Portfolio planning – Further work on writing this up with support from Local Board advisors. Follow-up meeting with Local Board services staff (26th Jan). Next steps: Meeting to confirm the plan (15th Feb).

Roskill Community Network –Attended monthly meeting at the Fickling Centre (9th Feb). Scheduled February catch-up with convenor, in addition to informal catch-ups at other events. The Network is entering a new phase as it seeks to investigate possibilities beyond networking, particularly around the three key areas identified in 2011; employment & education, families & health, crime & safety. The network continues to be very well attended by a variety of agencies and groups active in our community, and it is encouraging to see this progress towards perhaps setting up action groups on these key issues. Next steps: Continue regular catch-ups with Zena and attend future meetings.

Ministry of Social Development (MSD) Auckland Central Community Response Forum (ACCRF) – I have not heard anything further from this group since my last report, however will be contacting them myself shortly. Next steps: Set new time and date for meeting, circulate final report and recommendations to the Board once they are available.

Roskill Community Development Group (DIA project) - Attended meeting of the Roskill Community Development Group (2nd Feb). The group has received the draft report of the research stocktake and will receive the final report at the end of the month. A communications group has been established that will focus on ideas to update the wider community on what the group is up to. Once the report has been finalized the group will be examining the results and looking to identify a specific project, with community engagement a key part of that process. I remain involved in a supporter capacity and as a link with the Local Board, including providing secretarial support around keeping minutes at the meetings. Next steps: Continue to keep the Board informed of developments. Continue with minutes’ secretary role and other supportive tasks as they arise.

Community Development & Partnerships (CDAP) – regular catch-ups with relevant Council staff have not been held in this reporting period. Contact through-out this period with officers over a number of areas covered in other parts of this report.

Community Events – Attended monthly events catch-up (8th Feb). Main forthcoming events are the Fickling Centre re-opening (25th Feb), Love Your Mountain (TBC) and the Community Awards (late May) as well as beginning planning for the 2012 Christmas Parade. Next steps (for me): continue work on Fickling Centre re-opening (see further information under Community facilities below). Work with fellow Board members and relevant officers on the community awards in particular.

Pah Rd Warehouse – Assisted with organizing meeting between community members and the Warehouse, likely to be in late February or early March. Next steps: Help community members to prepare for meeting and attend in support.

Pah Rd four-laning – Sent on outstanding information from Auckland Transport to concerned residents. I hope this issue is now resolved.

Community facilities stocktake – Followed up with Property regarding the incomplete information previously provided. Received a reply but have not yet received the information requested (namely timeframes for condition surveys for each asset as a first step to asset management plans) or an indication of when I might receive it. Next steps: Follow-up with Property again. If I am not successful in securing this information prior to the deadline for our next Board report I will be seeking support for a recommendation on this

Bremner Ave property – The Auckland United Youth Federation have approached me regarding a proposal to refurbish this building for a community lease to them for a youth programme. In regard to the 2009 attempt to put in place a community lease on this building for the AUYF, it appears that Council was looking at a land swap at that time, which did not eventuate, and that this is why the lease was not entered into then. Subsequently the building has not been maintained and has been vandalized several times, leading to the current situation. At our January business meeting we determined to give AUYF an opportunity to present to our February meeting on their proposal, and thus deferred the item on our January agenda seeking approval to demolish the building. I subsequently checked the timeframes for this group to present to our February meeting, and then communicated these clearly to them by email including what their presentation should focus on. I look forward to hearing from AUYF at our next meeting and will be interested to see their ideas for the property. Next step: Await information from Auckland United Youth Federation about their proposal for Bremner Ave or another community lease possibility.

Fickling Centre upgrade - Contact with a variety of users regarding their views on the upgrade and any outstanding issues. Two groups in particular indicated issues, which I have collated and brought to the attention of the relevant officer. Significant work on the re-opening event, to be held February 25th. Liaison with Comms, Civic Events, other Board members, Mt Roskill Library staff and Local Board services staff. Promotion of the event, confirming details of commemorative plaque and guest lists, putting together poster on the room naming process, following up posters to be provided from local schools, early childhood centres and community groups, organizing media coverage in advance of the event through the Central Leader. Next steps: Finalise details for display boards, including list of posters to pick up. Arrange photo with users for Central Leader. Continue to assist as necessary. Attend event. Organise debrief.

Wesley Community Centre & RYZ - Continued work on Wesley Facilities Users Group brief. Contact with Peter Loud regarding rescheduling a meeting, postponed from late 2011, to discuss Terms of Reference and advisory group for RYZ. As I understand Board Member Turnbull cannot make the scheduled time we will be shifting this meeting and may not meet before the next board meeting. Next steps: Complete work on draft Wesley Facilities Users Group brief and circulate to relevant people for feedback. Reschedule RYZ meeting.

Community leases – meeting with Detlev Jackson, Peter Loud and others (8th Feb) regarding the future direction of community leases in the new structure.

Future policies around community assistance, including community funding – numerous informal conversations with officers, fellow Board members and constituents regarding the possible extension of the current interim arrangements for grants for another year. There is a high level of interest from the community in what will happen in the future to grants for projects/programmes that cover more than one board area. In particular there is a difficulty currently for those that cover boards in different clusters, e.g. Whau and Puketapapa.

Community gardening network – Considered feedback from Council CD staff regarding brief and have made changes accordingly. Next steps: Schedule meeting with relevant Council CD staff to finalise brief, set timeframes, and assign first round of tasks.

Possible new sites/groups: Bremner Ave (see above under Community Facilities & Leases) and Roskill South Kindergarten. In regard to Roskill South Kindergarten, I dropped in to visit them prior to our last Board meeting to check that the conditions that would be put on their garden were achievable for them, and discuss possible resources and support that may be available to them through Gardens4Health. Next steps: Continue discussion with property regarding Bremner Ave possibility (see above).

Roskill Puketapapa Residents’ Association (RPRA) – Contacted convenor to offer support for their 2012 planning, including involvement from Council’s Community Advisors. Next steps: Continue to support as appropriate.

Molley Green Carnival organizing group – meeting to continue organizing work (26th January). Assisting with sourcing possible Council collateral for the event including ezi-ups (booked), rubbish bins and jigsaw mats (both unavailable through Council). Following up with Events Facilitation to ensure permitting process underway. Contact Neighbourhood Support regarding holding a stall. Liaise with other Board members regarding the Board’s stall. Assistance to Comms with promotion for the event via Central Leader and Our Auckland, including attending photo shoot with other members of organizing group and local young people. Next steps: Continue supporting the organization of this event, particularly confirming aspects of Council support and relevant stalls.

Friends/Supporters of Roskill Citizens’ Advice Bureau – Prepared draft brief on the concept for feedback from Claire Donaldson and Barbara Houlding. Next step: Finalise brief with Claire and Barbara and confirm approach to CABAC.

Auckland Regional Migrant Services Trust – met with Mary Dawson (9th Feb) to discuss a number of issues, including community grants processes, community hub concept, community facilities, Council’s draft economic development strategy, and current ARMS projects.

Travelwise Kindergarten pilot – Key people identified and contacted, seeking meeting in February /March to discuss further. Next steps: Confirm and attend meeting.

Any other issues
Molley Green Wetland and Path Upgrade – no progress on this in the reporting period.
Wesley Community Centre sliding doors – no progress on this in the reporting period.

a) That the report be received.