8 August 2013
Vision for Three Kings to be launched next week
“Three Kings was the birthplace of local government in Mt Roskill. One hundred years later it is time for local government to step up and deliver a clear vision for the future of Three Kings, as the community faces unprecedented change”, says Roskill Community Voice candidate for the Puketapapa Local Board Julie Fairey.
“The redevelopment of Three Kings quarry into a major residential sub-division, and proposed Unitary Plan changes mean that the Three Kings of the future will be different. We say that this change needs to be guided by a strong local vision to ensure that the needs and aspirations of the Three Kings community are met”, says Roskill Community Voice candidate for the Puketapapa Local Board Harry Doig.
“We have been listening to the Three Kings community and next week will launch our Vision for Three Kings as part of an integrated policy package about Three Kings issues. Our vision will cover key issues including: ·
- A plan to restore Big King, our neglected maunga.
- Our vision for a quality quarry development with real public amenity
- The Unitary Plan and how we ensure good community outcomes
- Protection and promotion of Three Kings’ local heritage and character

“A key part of our vision will be an exciting new campaign to ‘Restore Big King’. An announcement about this campaign will be made at the launch event”, says Julie Fairey.

Media welcome to attend launch event on Saturday 17 August from 3pm. Please contact Julie or Harry for details.
Contact: Julie Fairey - 09 620-9257 and 027 285 7734 or
Harry Doig – 09 623 4920 and 027 241 2209