Tuesday, 13 August 2013

Hoardings up, campaign on

Folks driving around Mt Roskill will notice our big bright election hoardings up around the
Michael Wood and Cathy Casey hard at work on Saturday!
community. A big thanks goes out to the team of volunteers who went out in the rain to get them up on Saturday.

Hoardings unofficially signal the start of the real election campaign, and certainly add to a sense that it is all on. For our part, we have been campaigning hard since May and will continue to do so until polling day in October.

Our campaign will be based on giving Roskill a strong voice. We will be focussed on:

- Winning a fair share for Mt Roskill
- Advocating to Bury the Pylons
- Looking after our Environment and restoring our neglected volcanic cones
- Reducing social harms. No more pokies and corner bottle shops

Keep in touch to find out more as the campaign rolls out. Remember you can follow us on Facebook or Twitter @roskillcv

And if you see any hoardings damaged out there, please drop us a line so we can fix them up!