Saturday, 14 September 2013

RCV Policy on Heritage

Roskill's heritage deserves protection and recognition. Our heritage reminds us of where we have come from, and provides our community with heart and character.

We have fought hard to bring focus on to Roskill's rich heritage, which has been neglected for many years.

Our 2013 election policy on heritage issues includes:
  • Ongoing advocacy to ensure that important local heritage sites are protected and recognised, either through formal scheduling, or the provision of information about the heritage value of the site.
  • Development of a network of heritage interpretive signage to inform the public about our natural, cultural, and built heritage.
  • Continuing to build a strong relationship with the Mt Roskill (Puketapapa) Historical Society to support their role in researching and publicising Roskill's history.
  • Ensuring the sympathetic restoration of the Roskill Borough Council Chambers, ensuring that the heritage value of the site is preserved and enhanced.
  • Working to ensure that the Unitary Plan provides adequate protection of local heritage, including scheduling of important local sites, recognition of heritage character zones, and demolition protection of important areas of early settlement.
  • Development of a 'Three Kings Heritage Walk' that takes in key sites in this important heritage area.