Monday, 9 September 2013

Media release: Bury the Pylons Petition Cracks 1000!

“We have been overwhelmed by the supportive response of the community to our Bury The Pylons campaign and petition,” says Garth Houltham, Roskill Community Voice candidate for the Puketapapa Local Board.

“We never dreamed we would collect over 1000 signatures in just six weeks, for what started as a small local campaign for us in Lynfield, Hillsborough, Roskill South and White Swan.”

Roskill Community Voice launched the Bury the Pylons campaign with local MP Phil Goff, on July 20th, with a packed out public meeting of over 120 concerned locals. Petition signatures have since poured in from around the community and further afield, amassing over 1000 as at the start of September.

“We thought it was a good idea to acknowledge the huge contribution the community has made to get us to the first 1000 signatures, and so we are going to have a celebration at Taylors Bay Reserve on September 21st. We will also outline the next steps in this community campaign at this gathering”, says David Holm, Roskill Community Voice candidate for the Puketapapa Local Board.

“Petition signatures collected to date will be presented to Phil Goff MP at the gathering at 2pm and we hope that other members of the community concerned about this issue will come along to mark the occasion”, says David Holm.