Wednesday, 4 September 2013

Supporting our campaign

There are now under three weeks until voting papers get issued for the 2013 Auckland Council
elections. Our team is campaigning hard and receiving a very positive response from the community.

We are campaigning for a fair share for Mt Roskill with a particular focus on:

  • Winning a fair share of Council resources for Roskill. Our community currently receives 74c of investment for every $1 spent elsewhere. 
  •  Burying the Pylons that blight our neighbourhoods and harbour.
  •  Looking after our environment and restoring our neglected volcanic cones
  •  Reducing social harms with a focus on reducing the number of pokies and halting the spread of bottle shops in our community.
To win a fair share for our community we need to encourage people to vote. You can help our campaign in one of the following ways:

  • Donate. Campaigns cost a lot of money and every dollar you give helps us to get our message out.
  • Deliver leaflets. Fun work and good exercise!
  • Help to doorknock or phonebank. This is our most important campaign activity. Help out to make a big difference. We can provide training.
  • Host a cottage meeting. Have friends or neighbours over to meet their local candidates.
Any help makes a big difference. To support our campaign please email on or call on 09-620-9257.