Thursday, 26 September 2013

RCV Policy on Planning

Our community has been the victim of a lack of planning and vision for too long. We want to see thriving neighbourhoods, exciting town centres, quality urban environments, and appropriate affordable housing for our families. This will only happen through wide-ranging community involvement and strong local leadership.

Specific local policy on planning issues includes: 

Three Kings Issues The implementation of our comprehensive ‘Vision for Three Kings’ policy platform, including: 

  • Creation of a dedicated 3 Kings planning spokesperson on the Board. 
  • Removal of the reservoir on Big King to return our maunga to a more natural state. Prior to this, the restoration of an attractive mural on the reservoir such as ‘Grumpy Cat’ 
  • Advocating for the quarry development to include: 
    • Restoration of Maunga and better open space as priorities 
    • Affordable housing and social housing 
    • High quality housing integrated into open space and town centre 
  • A reduction in the proposed 8 storey height limit. 
  • Protection and promotion of Three Kings heritage. 

Unitary Plan Issues 

  • Providing appropriate capacity for growth around our town centres and key transport routes, while ensuring quality development and protection of open space and heritage. 
  • A stronger focus on affordable and social housing for our community. 
  • Advocating for well-considered intensification in Wesley, and Roskill South, with more distribution along main transport routes. 
  • Strongly advocating for community input and better notification of developments. 
  • Dealing with flooding. Advocacy for improved stormwater infrastructure, and better planning rules to prevent inappropriate development. 
  • Strong protections for our local environment, heritage, and volcanic cones (including viewshafts)

An index of our released policy can be found here, we are continuing to release policy through-out the campaign.